Which poker tools are allowed or prohibited?

Permitted third-party tools:

  • PokerSoft (Universal table organizer)
  • PartyCaption
  • StackAndTile
  • PlaceMint
  • Table Tamer
  • StarsHelper
  • Mosiac 2
  • IntuitiveTables
  • Universal replayer
  • Jurojin
  • Hand2Note
  • Poker Copilot
  • Notecaddy
  • HoldemManager
  • Poker Tracker
  • Slot Poker Pro
  • UPTO
  • TableNinja

Any tool that is an Equity/EV calculator, Solver, contains push/fold charts or strategic material is not welcome to be used while playing on our site.

For the avoidance of doubt, there are some tools that, if a player is found to be using in any capacity, will result in a breach of BetMGM’s Terms of Service and may result in an immediate closure of the player’s account and seizure of their funds.

The use of any tool that does the following is not permitted at any time:

  • Any tool that is designed to circumvent our restrictions on downloadable hand histories.
  • Any tool that plays without human intervention (a ‘Bot’).
  • Any tool that makes decision for, or advises decisions to, a player – therefore reducing the human element of the game (‘assistance software’).
  • Any tool that automates the process of joining a specific table or game based on a defined set of criteria, such as player statistics or notes (a ‘seating script’).
  • Any tool that allows your mouse to access multiple devices or uses scripts.
  • Any tool that allows remote access or uses virtual machines

Anything not on the list should be considered prohibited without written approval from BetMGM.

If you have any concerns, please email the Poker Team for assistance.

Requesting permission for a non-listed third-party tool:

If You wish to use a third-party tool or application that is not listed on the permitted third-party tools list, You may e-mail Our Poker Team with Your request. Please include the website address of the tool that You wish to use. If We choose to grant permission for the requested tool, We will reply to You directly and add it to the permitted third-party tools list. We only monitor third-party tools that work alongside the BetMGM platform and only tools with such functionality will be reviewed. As a result, any new or already existing third-party tools that do not directly integrate with the BetMGM platform will not be reviewed and will therefore not be added to the permitted third-party tools list.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How does BetMGM distinguish between Prohibited and Permitted categories of programs? Is it true that many of these programs are for training and improving gaming skills?

BetMGM prohibits programs that provide players with an unfair advantage; We permit players to use programs for training and improving gaming skills. When we review programs we assess, among other things, whether the program (a) advertises the buyer/user will gain an unfair advantage (often even using the word “cheat”); (b) is intended to remain concealed from the other players and from the “operator” (i.e., the online gaming room); or (c) will steal legally protected material (e.g., player identities) that violates applicable laws and regulations.

Which counter-measures is BetMGM taking to prevent the use of Bots?

Our efforts can be divided into two separate categories: (a) identification & detection of prohibited programs through technical counter-measures and (b) discipline of players who violate this Policy, including suspension. We continually review and improve our technical identification and detection counter-measures to detect existing Bots and address new Bots as they are created/released.

Do BetMGM’s prohibited program countermeasures involve accessing and reading files on my computer?

Yes. Our automated software reports on any processes or programs in use on Your computer that have been identified as subject to this policy. We do a limited query of players’ computers while they’re playing at Our tables, solely for the purpose of detecting use of prohibited software. We do not scan Your hard drive or take screenshots from Your machine. This monitoring is a key counter-measure to block Bots and keep the platform fair for Our players. To find out more about Our general policy regarding data processing, please see Our Privacy Policy.