MegaBall Action
Player selects bet per card.
BET MAX sets maximum bet per card across all 4 cards.
PLAY begins the initial number
Each card has 15
The draw is represented as a 30 ball-draw.
Each number drawn will match with a number on any of the 4 cards and is marked, triggering a “catch”.
Winning combination patterns are located in the paytable.
A winning combinations occurs when all catches form a winning combination pattern on a single card.
A pattern is trumped when it is completely covered by a high paying pattern on a single card.
Any trumped pattern is not paid out.
Extra Ball draw option is available when a winning combination is missed by one number and its cost is shown in XTRA BALL box.
Up to 10 additional balls may be purchased each game.
To end game press DONE.
Malfunction voids all pays and plays.
Last modification date: 9/28/2021